I got introduced to Let's Make A Difference through my dad in 2013, who had gone to attend the Air India conference at Asia Plateau.
My father shared his experience of the conference and wanted me to experience its ideology for myself. And ever since, there has been no looking back.
The Youth Conference has always been an amazing learning experience for me and has proved to be an eye opener, where I got to know my true self.
Let's Make A Difference has helped me value my relationships with others which I had been taking for granted. And I am working towards improving them every single day.
The Let's Make A Difference program and the pristine environment of Asia plateau both helped me take a pause from this everyday running around and reflect back; which is a little difficult to do. It made me unplug from everything else and made me be in sync with my inner voice.
Being with myself and by practising quiet time made me realise how I wanted to give back to the society; and this thought lead me to be a part of the Youth for India fellowship of 2016. I was also heading in the direction of pursuing my masters in psychology which I wasn’t so keen on earlier.
It’s going to be a beautiful journey of constant positive change and I am glad that Let's Make A Difference’s idea is now a part of me, which I would share wherever I go.