Coordinators Workshop 2019


Coordinators Workshop - 7.00 AM, 28th May 2022 to 10.00 PM, 1st June 2022

Who becomes coordinator?

Coordinators are those who are been handpicked and selected to run the youth conference. They are very well trained in the coordinators workshop towards running the YC.

Every year new coordinators are selected and along with old coordinators, collectively we all organise and run the youth conference. Coordinators play a very important role in running the YC, they are the back bone to the entire set up and each and every one is a dedicated member of the team and their focus in only to sever and give their best towards all the enrolled participants.

Coordinators come with the purpose of serving with humility and smile. Each one carries sacrifice within them towards a larger purpose. It also showcases that how the new, old, very old and the senior most work together and how beautifully the learning is passed on from one generation to the other. All this happens without teaching or preaching, one just absorbs the legacy which has been created.

The vision is “Care and love towards all those who have come; serve unconditionally, be sensitive, absolutely focused and setting highest standard towards excellence”.

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