I was first introduced to the concept of Let's Make A Difference by my cousin , who was quite vocal about his love for Let's Make A Difference. I was very reluctant at first, considering it was an eight Day Conference and among complete strangers and being a somewhat introverted person, this was nothing less than my biggest nightmare. However, I convinced myself to step out of my comfort zone for once and decided to attend the conference. In Hindsight, my path to transformation started with this very decision to attend the conference.
The first time I reached Asia Plateau, I was awestruck by its extremely serene and tranquil atmosphere and immediately took a liking to it. Despite being among strangers, Asia Plateau felt very familiar to me. On the first day, while I didn’t interact much, I did talk to a lot of people than I normally would. The conversation flowed naturally and for once I didn’t feel to go back to my room and read a book alone. During the Conference, I came across many such people, and gradually realized that deep down I do enjoy talking to people ,which is one of the most surprising things I discovered about myself.
While I came to Let's Make A Difference, I was feeling a loss of control in my life and uncertainty about my future. There was cluttering of certain things in my life, which I knew were toxic for me but couldn’t seem to let go off. During Quiet Time, I was able to objectively reflect on my life and take steps to regain control in my life. Quiet Time also helped in a gaining a firm perspective on certain aspects of my life and let go of the others. At the end of the conference I felt like I’m stepping out in the world , more certain and confident about myself and my abilities.
Thanks to Let's Make A Difference, I made some stunning discoveries about myself, let go of certain things in life and became more optimistic about what the future hold for me. And for this, I shall forever be grateful to them.