I wasn’t aware of “Let’s make a difference” National Youth Conference till 2011. But when I came to know about this beautiful concept through a friend, I then attended my first Let's Make A Difference conference in 2011 at Asia Plateau for eight days. In those eight days, I felt what living in heaven could mean. I visited such a beautiful campus with peaceful surroundings for the first time. As soon as I stepped in, I saw many other young minds walking in. I was hesitant with respect to whom and how I should talk to amongst these set of unknown people. But when in need, a stranger walked up and asked me if I needed help with my luggage. I felt relieved with the calm and humble attitude shown by him.
I learned so many things in the coming eight days. One of the foremost things I learnt there was the concept of Quiet Time and the four principles of MRA-IofC. With the introduction of quiet time in my life, I got to know myself and the right direction to choose in my life. I came to know - Who am I?
What am I? What is my aim & goal in my life? What I want to achieve? What have I done till now? To what extent I was dealing my life badly? I never thought about my strengths & weaknesses. I learnt all these important things during this process.
I always took my life very lightly but during this conference I realized the value of time and how to put it to good use. Because of quiet time, I got to look inside me and I realized my mistakes. After that realization, I mended my broken friendships and relations. Instead of putting the blame on others, I tried to focus on improving my code of conduct so that I can change myself. I decided to live & stay connected to the four principles. I was very emotional before I attended the conference. I realized that many other people take advantage of my emotional attitude. After the eight days of the conference, I have had that confidence to handle situations practically and emotionally. Now, I feel more stage confident. I looked to know how the world outside is and how should be my attitude towards it.
I am very lucky to attend the Baramati, Nagpur, and Bhavnagar Youth conferences and regional outreach programs. I experienced new things at all different locations. I have seen the coordinators working with full dedication towards the Youth Conference and because of them I got inspired and started feeling that even I should come forward and support my MRA family
There are many things which I am yet to learn and I am sure I will learn them in the coming conferences. Now I can see a clear, neat and more transparent life. Now I feel better about myself. I am really thankful to Viral Bhai, Neha Ben and all the coordinators who have guided me in the right direction. Last but not the least, special thanks goes to Vaibhav Shaha who introduced me to MRA-IofC.
Warm Regards,
Manali Doshi