Lulua Kapadia - Nagpur, Maharashtra


My journey of change started from 1st June 2016 in the beautiful campus of Asia plateau. I took a step to experience something different and something very unique - a youth conference called "Let's Make a Difference". The eight days journey of Let's Make A Difference brought me more closer to myself and to the people around me.

The entire program was beautifully designed like a thread. It seemed as if each session was designed just for me only. In an activity called "My Life My Happiness" we had to identify people with whom we are very close to and I got the chance to think about who those people were and those who were not. After returning to my place I worked towards strengthening my bond with those people who were away from me and I felt pretty happy about it.

A discipline routine with early to bed and early to rise and starting the day with quite time(hearing my inner voice ) gave me a head start and I started practising this routine regularly. And to my wonder I discovered lot of extra time for myself. And started learning lot of new things.

The overall impact I can say was a turning point of my life. I headed towards a better life. A better Tomorrow!!!!

I would like to thank Mr Viral Mazumdar for bringing this change in me and so many others all over India. I would also like to thank my husband Huzaifa Katawala for introducing me to this great idea!!

Stories of Change

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