Rohit Sharda - Pune, Maharashtra


namaskar `

maI raoiht Saarda hirScaMd` lavho
ra.baaramatI ` ija ­ puNao ` maharaYT/

MRA, Let’s Make A Difference yaa kaya-k`maamaQaUna malaa KUp kahI iSakNyaasa imaLalao AsaM mhNaNyaapoxaa jagaayalaa iSaklaao AsaM mhTlaM trI kahI vaavaga zrNaar naahI. Let's Make A Difference nao malaa kaya idlao ho Sabdat saaMgaNaM tsaM AvaGaDca Aaho. karNa %yaasaazI Sabdsaaza sauwa Apura pDola trI doKIla ilahNyaacaa CaoTasaa p`ya%na…

maI tsaa semi urban va slum Baagaat rahNaara. lahanapNa yaa BaagaamaQyaoca gaolaM. maaJyaa janmaacyaa 7 maihnyaanaMtr vaiDla eka BaIYaNa ApGaatamaQyao vaarlao.%yaanaMtr maaJaI Aa[- Saarda lavho tInao maaozyaa kYTanao malaa vaaZvalao.GarcaI pirisqatI hlaaKIcaIca.

jasaM malaa kaLayalaa laagalaM tsaM maI svaKca- BaagaivaNyaasaazI sauTTyaaMmaQyao qaaoDasaa hatBaar mhNaUna [ya%ta 7 vaI pasaUnaca kamaalaa sau$vaat kolaI.idvaaLIcyaa ` ]nhaLyaacyaa sauTTyaa laagalyaa kI kamaalaa jaayacaao. to krt Asatanaaca pdvaI pya-Mt iSakNyaacaI majala maarlaI. lahanapNaapasaUnaca kamaalaa sau$vaat kolyaanao maaJaa iSaxaNaacaa djaa- Kalaavalaa haota. tsaoca manaamaQyao nyaUnagaMD va naOraSya haot trI sauwa hsatmauKanao rahNaM ih AaplaI savayaca…

lahaNapNa hlaaKIt gaolaM %yaaca tsaM kahI evaZ du:K navhtM. prMtU ka^laoja ijavanaat Asao kahI p`saMga GaDlao kI haotao navhtao evaZo Kcalaao ` AgadI payaaKalacaI jamaIna inasaTlaI. vyavasaaya krNyaacaI tIva` [cCa Asatanaasauwa pirisqatInao malaa maagao Kocalao.ka^laojacyaa kaLat AsaM vaaTU laagalaM kI bassaM Aata maaJyaa tuT@yaa fuT@yaa ijavanaalaa kahIca Aqa- naahI.karNa hI pirisqatI va p`saMga maaJyaa Dao@yaavar caZUna ima­yaa vaaTt haotM.

yaa kzINa kaLatca Let's Make A Difference cao co-ordinator college maQyao kaya-k`maacaI maaihtI doNyaasaazI Aalao haoto. %yaavaoLI kahIca samajalao naahI. f@t evaZca kLalaM kI ` vaogaLM AsaM khItrI Aaho mhNaUna maI %yaa kaya-k`maasaazI hjaorI laavalaI.%yaakaya-k`maacao naava haoto BYC(Baramati Youth Conference) pihlyaa idvaSaI kahIca samajalaM naahI. pihlyaa idvaSaI sava-jaNa baavarlaolyaa caoh­yaanao paht haoto. savaa-MSaI AaoLK JaalaI. dusa­yaa idvaSaI EaI. ivarla saraMcaI entry JaalaI AaiNa kaya-k`maacaI sau$vaat JaalaI. tsao %yaaMcao Sabd jaDcaM haoto. %yaaMcyaa Sabdanao maaJyaa AayauYyaacaa laGaupTca ³ short flim´ DaoLyaasamaaor AalaI %yaat Bar mhNajao saraMnaI Diary & pen hatat do}na SaaMttot basaUna svat:cyaa jaIvanaaivaYayaI ivacaar k$na ilahNyaasa saaMigatlao.tsaM AMgaavartI kaTaca Aalaa. jaIvanaatIla sauK:duKacao p`saMga samaaor Aalao.tsao action reply Jaalaa. tsaM DaoLyaat AEau iTpkNa Aalao. baGata baGata gaMgaa­yamaunaa DaoLyaatUna vaahayalaa laagalao. %yaa idvasaBar KUpda p`ya%na kolao pNa %yaamaQyao kahI ilahu Saklaao naahI.

jasaa jasaa kaya-k`maacao pOlaU ]lagaDt gaolao tsa tsaM maaJyaa jagaNyaacaI puistka ]GaDt gaolaI tovha maI svat:laa jaaNalao AaiNa jagaayacaM ksa yaa p`SnaacaM ]%tr imaLalaM. jagatanaa AayauYyaat kaTo yaotatca AaiNa yaa kaTyaaMcaa AapNa iktI baa} krtao ho yaa caar idvasaat samajalaM. Aaplyaa saBaaovatalacyaa prIsarat evaZyaa p`karcao laaok Aahot AaiNa sagaLyaaMcao ~asa saarKoca Aahot.

yaa BYC cyaa caar idvasaacyaa kaya-k`maanaMtr Let's Make A Difference National Youth Conference yaa izkaNaI jaaNyaacaa yaaoga Aalaa.yaa izkaNaacao caar idvasa ³"vaao ² Aaz idna´ zrlao. puropur kayaapalaT Jaalaa. Anaok p`SnaaMcaI ]­tro imaLalaI. yaamaQyao naatI ` p`ma ` p`amaaiNakpNaa AaiNa ina:svaaqaI-pNaa jaaNalaa. maaJaa malaa AaBaasa Jaalaa. %yaanaMtr BYC & NYC maQyao co-ordinator mhNaUna kama krNyaacaI saMQaI imaLalaI.

KrcaM Let's Make A Difference nao maaJyaatlaa "maI" imaLvaUna idlaa. %yaamauLo maI Aaja eka vaogaLyaa vaLNaavartI yao}na pahaocalaao. jyaa gaaoYTIMcaI maI kQaIca klpnaasauwa kolaI naahI. ASaa gaaoYTI malaa maaJyaa AayauYyaat imaLalyaa. kQaI svaPnaatsauwa ivacaar kolaa naahI kI vya@t$pI gau$ ikMvaa vya@t$pI BagavaMt ASaa prmaoSvaracaa malaa sahvaasa laaBaola.(a gaaoYTIMcao Krca AaScaya- AaiNa AiBamaana vaaTtao ho f@t Let's Make A Difference mauLoca Jaalao.

yaa p`vaasaamaQyao maI svat:laa jaaNalao AaiNa maaJyaa svaPnaaMnaa sa%yaat ]trivalao. Aaja raoiht Saarda hrIiScaMd` lavho naavaacyaa vya@tIpuZo maaozo Qyaoya va kaya-krNyaacaI xamata Aaho. tsaoca Aaja svat:caI ek saMsqaa Aaho., %yaa saMsqaocyaa maaQyamaatuna ikmaana 100 ivadyaaqyaa-Mnaa raojagaar doNyaacaa maanasa Aaho.

maI %yaa sava- vya@tIMcaa ?NaI Aaho. %yaaMcyaamauLo maI svat:laa jaaNalao va malaa KUp kahI iSakayalaa imaLalao.

Let's Make A Difference gau$$pI prmaoSvar EaI. ivarlaBaa[- maujaumadar AaiNa jyaaMcao Sabd kDvaT gaaoLIp`maaNao ijavanaavar p`Baava k$na sa%ya saaMgaNaaro maa. EaI. rajaoMd`` ³dada´ pvaar ¸ jyaaMcyaamauLo sau$vaatIlaa Let's Make A Difference caI AaoLK JaalaI %yaa nasarIna maamaI va Aamacao ima~ krNa ³BaOyyaa´ KlaaTo va Let's Make A Difference cao sava- co-ordinator ima~ yaa savaa-Mcaa maI A%yaMt ?NaI Aaho.

Aaplaa `

raoiht Saarda hirScaMd` lavho

baaramatI ` puNao `

Myself Rohit Sharda Harishchandra Lavhe from Baramati, district- Pune, Maharashtra. Let's Make A Difference has not only given me enough infact, it has taught me the way of Life. It is difficult for me to express in words what Let's Make A Difference has given me as my words would fall short to quote my experiences’ yet I would make a humble attempt………..

I spent my childhood in a slum- a semi urban kind of an atmosphere. Unfortunately after seven months of my birth I lost my father in a terrible accident. My mother Sharda toiled and struggled to bring me up. We were living from hand to mouth. I started understanding the financial crisis at home since I was in standard seven and hence took up odd jobs during my Diwali and summer vacations to support my family. In this way I continued my studies till Degree College. Since I started working at a very young age it affected my studies in an adverse way so  also I had a low self-esteem, low on confidence and faced depressions at times but still lived with a smiling face.

Some incidences in my college life shook me to the core which even the financial crises at home could never do to me. I always had an ambition to become an entrepreneur but my financial background always put barriers in my way. I witnessed a day when I felt that my life is not worth living because my circumstances and conditions had consumed me. I had completely succumbed to them.

It was during this time that Let's Make A Difference coordinators had come to my college to announce the conference. All I could understand is that, it would be something different and I should experience it hence I made it to the conference. It was Baramati Youth Conference (BYC). On the Inauguration day all of us were looking confused we had no idea of what was to happen, we all got introduced to new people.

Next day Viral sir took sessions, his words sank deep in my heart, I could see my entire life like a short film but if that was not enough he gave us diaries and pens and told us to write our life experiences, on hearing this I had goose bumps on my body. All those happy and sad moments of my life got screened like an action reply. My eyes were flooded with tears. Although I tried a lot but I couldn’t pen down anything that day.

As the conference stated unfolding I could ruffle the pages of my life, I could meet ‘myself’. I realised that Life is not a bed of Roses, one has to go through those thorns as well and when one gets pricked by those thorns, one has to learn to lift himself and move ahead in life and not grumble and shed tears over the pain and failures of life. I understood that people around were also having some or the other pain in life, I could empathize with the pain of many.

Through BYC I got an opportunity to attend ‘Let’s Make A Difference- National Youth Conference’. Those eight days at NYC were like “woh Aath din” of my life. I witnessed a changed ‘ME’. Found solutions to many problem and answers to many questions. Understood the true meaning of Relations, love, unselfishness and honesty. I could thus meet myself. Later I got the golden opportunity to become coordinator for Let's Make A Difference.

Let's Make A Difference helped me find the ME in myself and hence today I have reached a higher pedestal in life which otherwise I wouldn’t have dreamt of.  I have achieved more than I had thought of. I never thought that I would meet a God in human form or a Godly Guru (Viral Sir) in my life. All this could happen only because of this conference and I am proud of my decision of attending this conference.

I not only got introduced to myself but could also materialize my dreams. Today Rohit Sharda Harishchandra Lavhe has big aims and humongous goals to achieve and potential to do good work in the society. Today I own an institute which aims to provide employment to 100 students.

I owe my existence to Let's Make A Difference and BYC for teaching me a lot of things in a subtle manner and helped me meet myself.

Let's Make A Difference organiser Viral Mazumdar for me is a ‘God’ in human form, not forgetting to mention Mr Rajendra Pawar because of whom we all could witness BYC, he always told us the bitter truths of life and helped us unconditionally, I am extremely thankful to Nisreen Baramatiwala and Karan Khalate for introducing me to this conference so also all the coordinators of Let's Make A Difference I am extremely grateful to each one of them.

Rohit Sharada Harishchandra Lavhe

Baramati, Pune

Stories of Change

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