Zahra Shetranjiwala - Pune, Maharashtra



My journey with Let's Make A Difference began in 2016, when I had just passed my 12th standard. It was such a different experience for me. It was fun, colorful yet deep. I met so many people living different lives and experiencing everyday differently. I always believed I was a good human. I had no vices or anything. But Let's Make A Difference gave me the space to think that, on a whole I was good but I still lacked in so many places. A deeper look within made me realize that this is not just a bad to good transformation but one of being better each day. 

However, the most inspiring conference was the 2022 one which I attended after a break of 3 years. It not just gave me the clarity I needed but the courage I needed to make a few life decisions. The sessions and quiet time were a reminder of the person I want to be and the kind of life I want to live.  This year too, like always I met wonderful people who in their own ways have given me so much to take back. 

The most fascinating thing about Let's Make A Difference is the very detailed and intricate schedule that is followed. It is designed so beautifully that every minute feels productive. It gives you hope of living a much better and fruitful life back home. Introspecting within has opened and changed my perspective to so many things in life. 

It has in true sense been a turning point for me because I stepped out of my bubble of ignorance and that gave me the courage to change things that caused me much harm. I live a much more conscious and cautious life now. 

Stories of Change

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