Puja Makhare - Satara, Maharashtra


Change... its a very small word but plays an important role in life. We never know when change will happen, cause we can only realise it. Realisation comes from your heart and yes, I have experienced it!

Hi, I am Puja Sanjay Makhare from Satara, Maharashtra. The Youth Conference that occured in 2015 was my first Let's Make A Difference conference. One of my friends had told me about this conference when I was in college. I still remember my first day at AP. I was nervous after seeing so many people. So many thoughts came in to my mind. Young people from various states of India and abroad had come to AP. I was wondering if they would talk to me? Would I be able to interact with them? I was confused, but I was sure about one thing - I should interact with them and avoid my self-doubt.

Two days into the conference, i started feeling comfortable with everyone. In those 8 days, I learned the best lessons and values in my life. Fundamental values on which everyone's lives are built - Purity, honesty, unselfishness and love. Theses four words give meaning to our life. These values help me focus on my life. On the last day, I realised that we can achieve the things which we have desired for ourselves. Just by believing in one's abilities and being confident of the values that form our foundation. I can now take my own decisions very confidently and I can face situations fearlessly. There is a rule of nature that goes somethng like, "Each and every action having equal and opposite reaction"; this simple rule also plays an important role in our lives. When we give unconditional love and respect to people, it comes to us with the same intensity. In those 8 days, my outlook towards life changes. I realised my responsibilities towards my family, my friends, my colleague, my society and my country.

One thing I would like say: never underestimate yourself due to the negativity within you. What you wear? How you live? How you look? These are things that do not matters in your life. Rather ,how you are? How do you behave with people? Your love, your respect and your behaviour are the things that matter in our life. "Do not change for anyone,  be what you are". Your positive thinking affects your life. It was life's best experience and I enjoyed it a lot. The Let's Make A Difference family gave me lots of respect and love.

When you want to change the country, you should start with yourself.  If you want a change in the society, you should bring a positive change in yourself. And this chain of change will help us to bind our society in a positive manner. It is not a conference but a big, sweet Let's Make A Difference family.

Thanks to my parents who allowed me to attend this conference. Thank you so much Viral bhai for giving us such a great experience. Thank you.

Stories of Change

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