Bhumit Malani - Indore, Madhya Pradesh


7 July, 2022

Hello, my name is Bhumit Malani. In January 2020, I started a cafe called the Coco Kingdom. We specialized in milk beverages, our main drink was made out of chocolate and was called "Coco". In March 2020, when the world was shutting down due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to shut down our cafe as well. However, behind closed doors, we continued to work on our product, improving it. Let's Make A Difference has not only played a very important role in building my career but strengthening my entire being. The values (Purity, Honesty, Unselfishness, and Love) and the teachings I have gathered at Let's Make A Difference since 2016 inspired me to work on making the milk beverages unique. A Quiet Time thought was to increase the shelf-life of the packed milk to 6 months without adding any preservatives. We all know that preservatives aren't good for health so my challenge was to omit that ingredient altogether. In this process, many people tried to talk me out of it and push me into taking the easy way out of using preservatives. Ther used money as a temptation. It really was tempting but again, what I had learned at Let's Make A Difference told me to follow my inner thought. I did not listen to them and stood my ground.

I faced many challenges in my pursuit of this product. The milk in all the bottles used to get curdled, causing my relatives to demoralize me by telling me that this wasn't possible and this wasn't his cup of tea. I worked on it day and night. I remember my eyes tearing up so many times in this process. Every day was challenging and this continued for two long years. During all these tough moments, the teaching of Let's Make A Difference is what helped me; Quiet Time and being with myself is what gave my life balance.  During this struggle, my mother, my Nani, my uncle, and a friend played a big role in supporting me.  In these two years, I did a diary farming course from Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna (PMKVY) and got a certificate from the government of India under the Trainer - Respected Pradyumn Kumar Pandey. He has served 38 years in the Madhya Pradesh State Cooperative Dairy Federation Limited and is currently working with the Skill India Mission. On this journey, we also visited some dairy plants to gain knowledge about how to handle milk products and increase their shelf life naturally. Finally, in March 2022, I was able to generate a positive outcome. I was able to create a production unit of milk beverages with a shelf life of 6 months and the best part Is that 0% preservatives were used in this! This journey is ongoing and I hope to achieve great heights without deviating from the teachings of Let's Make A Difference.



Hi Everyone, I am Bhumit from Indore.

Before I attended the Let's Make A Difference Youth conference, I was someone who didn’t manage his time well, was serious about nothing and took a very casual approach towards life. This lax approach was also there towards my relationships.

After I attended the conference, I experienced a change in my inner being - it was adeep feeling like as if I have been made aware of certain things at the right time in my life. The main part or take away from the conference was that I was fully filled with gratitude and realized the value of parents in my life. Let's Make A Difference gave me a new vision to live life. I took a decision to spend more time with them.

My vision towards life changed fully after the Youth Conference; many negative layers unfolded within me which made me feel very light, and the introduction to the concepts of "Love Purity Unselfishness Honesty" made me want to walk on the path of these four standards. 

My relationships with everyone also improved. When I reached home after attending the conference my parents began to see the drastic change in my being and the way things were handled by me after the conference.

Thereafter, my mother made a decision to attend the conference to see and experience what happened in those eight days that led to a positive change in her son. At Let's Make A Difference I have received the essence of love and awareness. I would like to conclude that the Let's Make A Difference conference is a deep blissful feeling inside and this feeling cannot be described in words.

Stories of Change

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