Vision & Objectives



Let's Make A Difference focuses on the youth, working tirelessly to nurture a generation of individuals driven by moral values, healthy relationships and a responsibility to make society and the country better. We believe  that listening to and connecting with young people will help us transform the world at large, by inspiring every single individual to make a difference.

Let's Make A Difference stands for bringing about positive change through collective introspection and empowering the youth to discover their sense of purpose and conviction to become better people and build a better world.  To that end, we will constantly strive to reach every individual we possibly can in order to bring about truly generational change and build a better future.


To sensitize youth to the larger societal goals to inculcate:

  • Discipline through Love
  • Servant Leadership
  • Constant Introspection

The objectives of this Youth Movement "Let's Make A Difference" are:

  • to spread awareness and inspire Youth to take up issues and causes, for the betterment of self and society.
  • to reach to more and more young people across the country from all walks of life, rich and poor, rural and urban, of every caste and creed.
  • to empower young people to live and build their foundation based on the moral values where they take orders from none other then their inner selves.
  • to set the highest standards of discipline, not regimental but through love and personal care.
  • to serve each person with love and care, so that each one understands and practices the concept of servant leadership.
  • to introspect to find one's true potential and unique talent that can help one to blossom.
  • to appreciate the differences as one learns to function as part of a diverse group with the commonality of purpose.

Let's Make A Difference as an organisation does not have any affiliation with any political party or religious organization.

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